A Thanksgiving for the Community

Have you ever prepared Thanksgiving dinner for a houseful of people?  20 people?  30 maybe?  Can you imagine shopping and putting together Thanksgiving food for 1,000 families? That would be quite a challenge, but that is exactly what Fellowship Church and the Middletown Community Thanksgiving Project (MCTP) has done for the last several years!


     Though challenging, it is quite rewarding as well. During a time when all we hear in the news is negative, it’s refreshing to see something so great happen right here in our own community and we are so thankful that FC can be a part of it!


     The Middletown Community Thanksgiving Project Committee has been working for months behind the scenes contacting companies and organizations that are able to donate food to go in the baskets.  In the next 2 weeks that food will begin arriving and taking over the atrium at our church.  If you haven’t been at FC the Sunday before Thanksgiving in the past…. you’ll want to be there this year.  It’s something you can’t imagine until you see it.


   In addition to this project providing the baskets of food to 1,000 families here locally, we here at Fellowship Church, have seen God do amazing things in other ways. We have several people in our church that are here because of the Thanksgiving project.  They came in past years to volunteer or to receive a basket and were so impressed with the love and generosity here that they knew it was a place they wanted to be each Sunday. 


    It is awesome to see the love of Christ our FCers have for others.  When people come to FC on November 21st to pick up their baskets they will be greeted by a friendly parking team, a short line and a team of volunteers who will wish them a Happy Thanksgiving and personally carry the baskets to their cars.  The volunteers (and there are a lot of them) all have an attitude of joy as they are able to serve others in their community and be the hands and feet of Jesus.


So are you ready to prepare Thanksgiving for over 1,000 families? Can you help with the challenge?  Bring a pie…or two… or three, to FC on Sunday November 19th.  Pies must be store bought (not frozen) and have an expiration date of Thanksgiving or later. Be a part of something special and help us help others!

Want to get involved by serving? Click here and make a difference!


Lara Santamaria