Easter Prayer Experience: Day 2


Only one investment will last from today until eternity and that’s the church.

     No system of government, business, or para-church organization has ever lasted as long as the church. After all, Jesus is the one who founded it and said in Matthew 16:18 that “all the powers of hell will not conquer it.

When the local church is working right, there is nothing more powerful and breathtaking in the world.


Ultimately, the church is the people - the church is the hands and feet of Jesus. 

     It’s the place where lost people are found, where people grow to love Jesus more, where addicts are set free, where the excluded are included, where the hopeless find hope, where marriages are restored, where forgiveness is extended and where God gets the glory for it all.  However, all of this only happens when the people of the church choose to remain faithful to it. 

Yes, God is in charge. 


But we have to understand that God works through people who work, through action. There is no doubt that Fellowship Church is a church that is working right. However, it is only possible through faithful leaders and members who serve committed. 


Though the church as a whole will never be conquered, there is constantly spiritual warfare taking place within the lives of the individuals who make up the church.

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
- Ephesians 6:12

Easter is often called the Super Bowl of Christianity.

We always anticipate God showing up and lives being saved. It’s an opportunity where those who aren’t “church-goers” to be open to attend. Consequently, this time can be a time where we sense more spiritual warfare as a church. Not only for individuals in the church, but for the whole process of before, during, and after our Easter services. 

     All the prayers we read in the New Testament are specially focused on the church. After all, most of the New Testament consists of letters written to specific churches. Within each of these letters it seems that the Apostle Paul never forgets to mention that he is praying for their church.

“Prayer is where the action is.”
— John Wesley

We can never underestimate the

power of praying for our church. 


     As we prepare ourselves for Easter this week, may today be the day where we pray for our church. More specifically may we pray for those serving in the Easter services, our church leaders and staff, and our guests who will be joining us. 

So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do.

-2 Thessalonians 1:11

- some things to pray about -


• Pray for each service held at our church. 


• Pray there will be a record number of visitors.


• Pray that our guests feel welcomed and comfortable. 


• Pray lives will be saved, rededicated, and changed.


• Pray marriages will be saved and families will be restored.


• Pray for Pastor Andy as he prepares and communicates God’s Word.


• Pray for Marcel and the worship team as they prepare the worship.


• Pray for volunteers who will be serving as greeters at the doors,

in the  parking lot, and behind the coffee bar


• Pray for those serving in the children’s ministry,

that they would clearly  communicate the message of Easter to our kids.


• Pray for the health of those who you know are sick in our church

and that  their sickness will not hinder them from joining us this Easter. 


• Pray for the technology and those controlling it.


• Pray for unity within our church.


• Pray for an effective follow-up the days and weeks after Easter.

For further study, Click Here to read an article about how the Apostle Paul prayed for churches and discover how we can pray for our church like he did.  


Also, take a look at this spoken word video of what the Church is and isn’t.