Easter Prayer Experience: Day 5

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Have you ever walked around your house in the dark?  Even in familiar surroundings, it's a little nerve-wracking. You worry, “Am going to walk into a wall or run into a chair or worse,


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     Next steps can be frightening especially when shrouded with uncertainty. Whether you’re exploring your faith, a recent follower of Christ or a long time believer in Him; you’re on a faith journey, and God is always leading us toward a next step.

     Everyone’s next step is different. It may be to begin reading the Bible. Maybe it’s to schedule time to read the Bible and pray at a specific time and place each day. Other “next steps” include choosing to forgive someone, being more generous with your time, words and resources or maybe choosing honesty over exaggeration?

     When you invite Christ into your heart and life, everything changes. He always meets you where you are and then takes you to places you’ve never been.  Here at Fellowship Church we describe this using the phrase, “moving up and to the right”.  Salvation requires faith, but the difference maker trusts and believes that God has their best intention at heart, and makes decisions to build on that faith.  

     Sure there’ll be distractions and we’ll not be perfect along this journey. Don’t be discouraged; rather, take courage. If you commit to God and make it a habit of saying “yes” to Him, He will do more in and through you than you would ever imagine. 

     So, what’s your next step?  What is God prompting you to do? I know this; it’s unique to you and it’s for your best and the best of those around you. So why not take it?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
 - Proverbs 3:5-6

Let this be our prayer today...

     Thank you God for meeting me where I am, but loving me enough to not allow me to stay there.  If I’m honest, faith is sometimes scary.  Please instill me with your power and courage.  Give me insight to understand your will for my life.  Thank you for the hope of Easter!  Help me to live in such a way that will always bring honor and joy to You. In Jesus’ name.

- Amen -