The Journey is Not About You

Every single one of us are on a journey. Some are on the 'fast-track' while others are 'pacing themselves'. 

What I’ve learned along the way is that I really am the ‘pace car’. I control the speed of my own journey, not anyone else. In my effort to grow closer to God throughout the years I’ve seen my pace change too often

But here’s what I learned along the way that changed me:

  • What I put in I get out (reap what you sow) If I want to grow closer with God, I need to spend time with Him. In any relationship (marriage, friendship, dating), in order to get closer, you have to spend time with them. James 4:8 says, “Come close to God, and God will come close to you.” Spending time with God comes in different forms. We pray to Him. We read His Word (the Bible). We spend time with other believers either on Sundays at church or a small group or coffee with a friend. Whatever it is that you do, it’s all important. 


  • Church can only do so much– If our connection to God is only on Sundays, we may be in trouble. When we put that type of pressure on a church or a pastor to be the only “God” we’re getting weekly, we will fail miserably. The staff of the church hope that we are inspiring you to follow Him on your own as well. We are praying that you are scheduling your time with Him daily. Don’t just ‘fit Him in” when you can. I've never just found extra time at the end of the day. Put your daily time with God on your calendar. If you need to, set an alarm to go off to remind you. Get an accountability partner to push you to read scripture with them. Do a plan on with a friend. Pray each night with your spouse or family. Make Him part of your routine. 


  • Get involved– God has created you to be a doerJames 2:17 says, “So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless. He has created in you a divine potential. Too many of us are a bit too comfortable. But being uncomfortable leads to growth. Every time I have to lead a group, speak on a Sunday, meet with someone I don’t know that well, or learn some new system, I’m completely uncomfortable. But when it’s over, I’m different. God teaches you most in these uncomfortable moments. 

How’s your journey going? Are you moving up and to the right, or are you ‘flat lining’? What will it take for you to truly get closer to God?

It'll take you. It starts with YOU. As we’ve said so often here at FC, you are ridiculously more in control of your life than you think. Today, decide to allow God to shape your journey by spending time with Him.



Rich Pancoast