Believing Without Seeing


Everyone believes in something. Even atheists have to have a belief in their disbelief of religion. Many religions are guidelines to how you need to act or think or even worship in this world. Christianity is the belief that we are loved no matter how hard we fall and have been cleansed of our past and future sins because God sent Jesus who had to die on the cross. "This is real love-not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins"(1 John 4:10). That verse can overwhelm the mind thinking about how much we as Christians are loved no matter what we think of ourselves. 

     Unfortunately we are surrounded by a 'see it to believe it' mentality by others as soon as we enter this world. Even the apostles were subject to these thoughts. Thomas, known as the twin, was very loyal to Jesus while in his company. When Jesus was setting out to resurrect Lazarus in Judea a few of the other apostles complained about almost being stoned the last time they were there but Thomas replied "Let's go too-and die with Jesus" (John 11:16). Thomas was ready to die for the cause he believed in at that time. Thomas was always a little worried about the future and would question Jesus about following him when he left even after Jesus would repeatedly ask to trust him. "We have no idea where you are going, so how can we know the way?"(John 14:5). Not to long after though Jesus would be crucified, resurrected, and then seen by his followers without Thomas being present and his disbelief gave him the nickname Doubting Thomas.  

     On the evening of the resurrection Jesus appeared to the disciples. However, Thomas was not present at the time. Even though Jesus foretold the event and Thomas was present for many miracles he refused to believe. Thomas stated "I won't believe it unless I see the nail wounds in his hands, put my fingers into them, and place my hand into the wound in his side"(John 20:25). Thomas would not even accept a visit from Jesus as genuine unless he looked and touched the result of the crucifixion on the body. For his doubts and unbelief Jesus waited eight days to let worry and wonder fill Thomas's heart. When the time was right Jesus appeared, showed him the wounds, and told Thomas "You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me"(John 20:29). Jesus never had to show himself to Thomas, but he did to prove the everlasting love God has for all his children no matter how much doubt they have. It has been reported that Thomas did keep his faith and traveled to India where he had success preaching the Good News but was also martyred there for his faith.  

     Today we have the choice to believe without seeing. We can put on the armor of God towards the world. We can live in joy knowing that whatever happens if we follow Jesus there is a better life ahead. Faith is the base of things we hope for, the product of the things yet to be seen. The world will say you need to see it to believe it but God's word reminds us if you believe it you can see it come to pass. We need to look through the eyes of faith not just what is right in front of us.Instead of thinking I can not believe a miracle is here unless I see it or touch it,  if you believe in the miracle first then you will see it. That is the evidence that you are in faith. 



Fellowship Church