Members Only

The word "membership" today means belonging to a select club. Everyone uses the term including credit cards and fitness clubs. It's kind of gotten a bad rap. I know this from working at a fitness club for over 20 years. It's way too difficult, at times, to end a membership!

We feel that 'church world" should be different. Our belief is that every Christian should belong to a local church and take "ownership" of that church. This includes serving, giving, and participating in biblical community. It's a process. Some jump right on while others take their time. I, for one, took my time. It took me a couple of years before I did anything but I still felt welcomed. I was never rushed into serving. Nobody ever pressured me. Ultimately it was me reading God's Word that convinced me, not those at the church. 1 Peter 4:10 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.

In a perfect church (yes, there's no such thing!) people, much like Jesus, would come TO SERVE, not to be served. Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others. We have a shared cause, a shared mission. Our ultimate goal here is to introduce this community to Jesus Christ. Once you make this HUGE decision for your life to become a follower of Christ, there comes with it expectations. It's written throughout the Bible. We are not called to "sit on our hands". There are responsibilities. We here at Fellowship Church want all of you to love this church so much that you really take "ownership" of it. This means you do anything you can to make people feel welcome, to help make our church look good for those coming here for the first time and to intentionally seek and help out others in their journey. 

In our Membership class on March 26th 11:45AM to 2:15PM, we will be going over our core values, our beliefs, our history and our vision. We will have lunch and provide childcare as well. We really hope you join us and help us make a big difference here in this community. Take ownership of your church and sign up here.

Rich Pancoast