Easter Prayer Experience: Day 3

Let the Children Come to Me

-Kayleigh Mierzejewski

While some have mainly been frequenting Fellowship’s newest building, several families are witnessing almost weekly surprises while checking in their children over at FC Kidz. That building is currently being renovated, and what a transformation it is that we get to witness! “Hey! A new door!”

“I wonder what’s behind the plastic curtain…”

“Whoa! They can just build a wall like that?!”

Children and adults alike are excited to see our kids’ areas take on a new shape…

which to me fits perfectly with the season we’re in.

Lent. Easter. Spring. These bring a sense of freshness, renewal, a time of growth. I love getting to see this happening right now in our church, particularly in FC Kidz. Over the past several weeks, we’ve seen record numbers of kids attending our Sunday services, peaking at 35 in Kidz Club! In one service! High fives to those awesome volunteers who served that Sunday! It is amazing to see God at work as He grows our church community! Even while we are still in progress to make our building’s appearance look its best, God continues to use our imperfect, in-progress circumstances for His perfect plan.

I love a metaphor with layers, don’t you?

See, on the surface, this freshness, renewal, and growth can be seen tangibly in the added steel beams, plaster, and altered layout of our kids’ rooms. To see God using FC Kidz volunteers, environments, and experiences to make a difference in the future of our church is even more incredible. Every week, there are dozens of volunteers dedicating their time and energy to compassionately serving the children of our church on Sundays.

From snuggling infants to teaching school children.

From story-time with preschoolers to playtime with toddlers.

Our volunteers create a place where children receive Jesus’ love, learn about His incredible promises, and are supported to make lasting connections within our church. Our FC Kidz volunteers have an opportunity every Sunday to open growing minds and hearts to Christ, and it brings me such joy to think of how this pleases Him.

Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.
— Matthew 9:14 NIV

As children get to know Christ on their level, life change is happening!

They get excited about coming to church each week! They learn about what a relationship with Christ means and say “Yes!” to Him! They choose to be baptized! They earnestly invite their friends to church, Living Proof, and Vacation Bible Camp, sharing and spreading the Good News! When they’re teens, many serve in our kids’ environments so that they can be difference makers for the next generation! They’re already on mission with moving up and to the right, not only personally but as an active participant in Fellowship Church’s story.

| In my role as Nursery Coordinator… |

I have the awesome opportunity to see how volunteers’ lives are changed through their selfless service. Their own pursuit of Christ deepens as they encourage children to pursue Him. Their own Biblical knowledge expands as they teach the Bible to kids on their level. They network and form friendships with other FC’ers who they may not have met otherwise. They take time off from work to volunteer at VBC because they so value the relationships and spiritual growth that they get to be a part of through serving opportunities.

  • Every person matters to Christ, no matter how small.

  • Every role is important to Christ, whether it’s changing a diaper or leading a Bible skit.

  • Every Sunday in FC Kidz matters not only to the future and longevity of our church…

…but MORE importantly, to God’s kingdom.

I feel incredibly blessed as an FC Kidz volunteer to get to be a part of this.

Please join me in praying for FC Kidz this week. I want to invite you to pray with me on three levels:

  • Pray for the children attending FC. Father God, thank you for bringing so many children through Fellowship’s doors - it is so exciting to see your church continue to grow! We pray that as they experience Jesus on their level, they leave church on Sunday feeling loved, encouraged, and inspired to make a difference in the world in Your name.

  • Pray for the FC Kidz volunteers. Lord, thank you for the compassionate hearts and caring hands that You provide in the FC Kidz environments! They are continuing the growth and strengthening the future of Your church. They see value in each person that You bring through Fellowship’s doors. They are difference makers illuminating a relationship with Jesus for children of all ages to learn about and engage in. We pray that our volunteers know how much they matter and the amazing, lasting impact they have on the future of Your church.

  • Pray for next steps. God, we ask that you open our hearts and make it clear as to how You want to use us for Your purposes. As we read in 1 Corinthians 3:9, “For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field. You are God’s building.” (NLT) Your good works are alive in us, Lord; show us how to use Your gifts for Your kingdom. Give us boldness to step out and serve in Your church. Give us encouragement to invite families to join the amazing work You are doing here at Fellowship. Thank you for making us a part of Fellowship Church during this season of growth and renewal so that we get to be difference makers. In Jesus’ precious name I pray, Amen.

Fellowship Church
Easter Prayer Experience: Day 2

As I thought of the many ways I’d like those who attend Fellowship Church to pray, I thought of so many areas where we may not be praying enough.

For those of you who attend here frequently, you know that our biggest prayer here is for people to first accept Jesus Christ into their heart, then secondly, move closer and closer to Him (up and to the right). As part of this prayer, we hope everyone who has been attending for a long time and already knows Jesus to be welcoming and patient.

"The welcoming”…

…comes with getting to know newer people and making them feel at home. It’s so easy to stay within our clique. Sometimes it’s the only day of the week we see some of our friends so we get it. But picture this:

You go into a church for the first time and everyone you see is already in conversations. They’re in their circle and not coming out. You go all the way through the Atrium, Coffee Bar and into the Auditorium with not even a greeting. Maybe you enjoy the message but you’re not sure you want to return to the stuffy atmosphere.

 Jesus is all about others.

We should be as well.

It doesn’t come easy.

We need to work at it.


The patience comes with understanding the tensions that come with more people coming here each week to FC. Yes, it may get crowded and tougher to get a seat at times but what’s the other option? “I’m glad you asked”. The other option is we stay comfortable with the handful of people around us, keep attendance low so we can get our regular seat, request our favorite worship songs, get old together as a church and die together as a church.

A bit harsh there but…


Listen older people, we want younger people attending here.

Listen younger people, we want older people attending here.

We want all ages, all types, the good, even the bad and the ugly (Don’t call them that). We want those who are at rock bottom, those that society won’t accept, those who feel as though lightning will strike if they enter this building because this is how Jesus rolled.

Jesus took those at their worst and brought them to places they never thought they’d go.
  • We believe Jesus can:

  • change any behavior

  • turn anyone He wants away from sin

  • break cycles in families

  • stop addiction

  • restore marriages

  • mend relationships

  • heal those hurting and renew anyone’s life.

We know because we’ve seen it over and over. We want all walks of life, no matter the gender, race, current belief, or social status. Jesus welcomed everyone, so will we. Our prayer is that everyone will always feel welcome here.

I believe another prayer we need to do daily is for the movement of everyone here at FC. We do not want anyone to be the same next year or even next month. We want everyone moving, as we say here, up and to the right. I always loved the quote:

“It’s ok to not be ok but it’s not ok to stay that way.”

This is why we do FC Groups. We believe it’s so important to be around others as they grow as well. We believe in the whole ‘circles not just rows’. On Sundays, we sit in rows and listen to a message. During the week, we sit in circles (in groups) and discuss what we’re learning. Building relationships with like-minded people is so important. It’s in these relationships where we can be inspired, motivated and encouraged. We also learn more about our faith and have opportunities to ask questions, have people pray for us and slow down the business of life for one hour a week. I met some of my closest friends in an FC Group.


I’m so thankful for this church and the many people here that ‘get it’. I love all of you who serve here. I love all of you who go out of your way to welcome others. I love the many of you who give each week knowing you’re making a difference. I love those of you who just started coming out and your intentionality to come each week. I love those of you who took a chance and tried us out. I’m praying you come back. Lastly I’m praying for those of you reading this that do not already belong to a local church to come check us out.


Would you please take some time today to pray with us?

Fellowship Church
Easter Prayer Experience: Day 1


- Megan Reddix

Has a particular song ever grabbed ahold of you, and you feel as if you’re transported somewhere completely different than where you actually are? How about a whole album or playlist? You spend hours with your eyes closed hearing nothing but the music; how the chords seem to effortlessly change, how the lyrics speak to a place so deep in your soul that you never knew it existed.

You don’t care if anyone else is around,

What you look like,

How you sound when your start singing along,

Or if you’re being too loud.


All that matters in that moment is the music.

            I feel that way a lot. Sometimes it’s the first time I’ve heard a song or maybe I’ve listened to it a thousand times over. I lose myself, and at times it’s hard to reign myself back in. I become so overwhelmed with emotion that my heart aches to sing louder, and I have this uncontrollable urge to throw my hands in the air. You’ve probably watched me do this a time or two.

            Every time I worship I get caught up in the meaning of each song. There is so much passion, love, and fellowship within the verses. There is an incredible beauty and fluidity in the instrumentals. I am reminded every time I hear a worship song that God is so good! How could anything sound so perfect and stir my heart so much if it wasn’t created by Him?

 Here is a song that encourages me and gives me the comfort of God’s love and grace.

            I was eight years old the first time I stood on a stage to sing in front of a crowd…

We were in New Hampshire, visiting the beach as we had done so many times before, but this time I felt drawn to “the Shell.” The Shell was a stage right on the boardwalk that we had sat at watching people perform for years. I never had a desire to actually get on the stage until that day. For the first time in my life, a song actually drew me in so deeply that I wanted to share it with as many people as I could. At eight years old, Shania Twain’s “From this Moment On” told me that there was love in this world beyond all I could imagine. From a little girl’s heart who ached for love, I finally had faith that it was out there. The moment came and went, and all I remember was a trophy half my size being placed in my hands as the other contestants of the talent show and the hundreds of people in the crowd smiled at me and cheered.

            I had participated in talent shows, competitions, and musicals every year since standing on the Shell stage. I sang what my vocal coaches told me would fit my voice. Occasionally that passion to share the message of a particular song would come back and I would melt into the music, forgetting that a crowd even existed, but most of the time I walked up to the mic with my knees shaking. It wasn’t until I was sixteen that I consistently stood on stage without fear.

            In the terrifying moment that I was asked to share my “talent,” I belted out “Summertime” from Porgy & Bess while my then-boyfriend-now-husband, Zach, faced a wall. I opened my eyes to see his mom standing in the doorway and Zach slowly turning around with his mouth open;

“I play guitar for teen worship team on Wednesday nights. You should try out.”

I had been a believer for a couple of years and had just started going to church regularly with his family, but Zach’s suggestion pulled at my heart. I didn’t know any worship songs well, but I was willing to learn. It wasn’t long until I started singing with the teen, then the adult, worship team at our church. Each song I learned, every time I sang, I got lost in the best way possible. I got lost in God’s message of love, and I knew it was something I needed to share.


It has been 11 years since I started worshipping, like REALLY worshipping, on stage With the Fellowship Team. I almost always forget the words but they somehow come out right. I sing each song with every ounce of my body, putting everything I have behind the words because they’re something I truly believe in. I’ve been told I can sing, and I don’t really know much about that, but I can tell you that I worship.


Whatever anyone else sees and hears me do when I’m up there with the Praise Team, it’s all God. I’m not afraid to belt out the wrong lyric or come in at the wrong time. I’m not concerned that I’ll hit a sour note.

My only goal when I walk onto that stage is to convey a message of love beyond anything we can comprehend!

Now, I won’t say that singing or worshipping is necessarily my spiritual gift. It’s something I feel drawn to do, just as I feel drawn to connect with others and share the powerful message of God’s grace through teaching yoga, photography, and writing. I know I’m not the best at communicating, I’m not the most talented musician, and I have an extremely difficult time finding comfort in social situations. However, God has given me the unlikely gift of supporting others through some of their most difficult moments. That’s where we can lean on God’s promises and put our full trust in Him.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.
— Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT

He has given me a passion to mother and a talent to share (in a variety of ways). Somewhere in the intersection of my deepest desires and the places I am the most uncomfortable, is the spiritual gift that God has trusted me with.

What gift has God given you to use?

My prayer as I sing, teach, and share is that, whatever you are going through, you hear only the words that God graciously chose for me to speak and you feel supported and encouraged by His message of faithfulness and love.

Fellowship Church
Pride Does In Fact Come Before the Fall

Humility is a funny thing. It’s been said that if you won a medal for your humility, once you wear the medal, it would have to be taken off.

It is very easy to spot pride, not as easy with humility.

Pride comes with a spotlight, humility a flashlight.

Pride says it’s all about me, myself and I. Humility is always about others.

Prideful people lessen their circle of friends throughout the years. Humble ones enlarge theirs.

Pride repels. Humility attracts.

Pride comes with no self awareness. Humility is full awareness.

Pride doesn’t listen. Humility leans in.

Pride states opinions. Humility listens to them.

Pride answers every question and shares extra information. Humility knows not every question during every conversation needs to be answered. A true genius admits that he/she knows nothing.” ― Albert Einstein

I come from a history of pride…..I still fight it today. I think many men do. I remember the humble brags. The pleas for compliments. “I’m not good at that…” I look back and cringe at how easily swayed my pride was. A girl would like me and I made sure all my friends knew it. I did well at a sport and I’d talk about it forever. “How much do I bench?” Glad you asked…..

I’m so thankful for my faith. I follow the ultimate example of humility, Jesus Christ. When given all authority over heaven and earth in John 13, Jesus washes the disciples feet. If I’m given authority over heaven and earth, someone is washing my feet and even massaging them!

When Jesus knew what He would have to go through with being crucified (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), no one around Him would have even known. During that long walk carrying a cross, He never stated what He was about to do for you and me. He just did what He was called to do. I cannot imagine myself going through this quietly. “Yes, you’re all gonna be thanking me daily for what’s about to go down. I’m dying for all of you….you owe me big time!”

When Jesus was constantly questioned, insulted and mocked, He never self promoted, never did what we all would’ve done, He never retaliated. Dealing with Pharisees and other religious leaders, He stayed humble.

It was so much easier many years ago staying humble without Social Media. We did not see the ‘humble brags’ daily. We didn’t have everyone’s ‘highlight reel’ on a constant feed.

As a Christian, our main focus should always be pointing people to Jesus. Our actions, interactions, work ethic, demeanor, and humility should always point people to the reason we are….Jesus.

How are you doing with humility. If you say ‘fine’, you may be struggling.

Rich Pancoast
Be Still

GUEST BLOGGER: Vicki Pancoast

How do we find God’s peace? Life is so very busy. We are constantly on the go. I love what Pastor Andy did during a recent sermon. He showed us all how to shut off our phones. Yes! We are in a fast-paced world and we are constantly surrounded by noise. Social media noise, political noise, worldly noise. We all want to feel that peace that comes from God. But how do we find it when we are being pulled in so many different directions? Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” How many of us really take time out of our busy week to actually BE STILL before God?  

When we are unsure or overwhelmed by our lives, when our specific path in life is unclear, we won’t find that peace until we look to God. We need to stop looking to the world. We tend to talk and talk about our situation with others. We will complain that we are way too busy. We will complain that we are afraid of what the future will bring. We will say we don’t have time to pray or read the Bible because we are just that busy. But, if we really want the peace that only Christ can deliver, we need to prioritize and slow down. 

I recently read a wonderful quote from Christian speaker and author Beth Moore. She was speaking of God’s peace and she said it so eloquently; “A sense of peace will virtually always accompany His will and direction, a lack of peace will often accompany a mistaken path.” We can’t hear from Him if we aren’t looking to Him. So, let’s shut off the radio, shut down the social media app, maybe even turn off the phone. Find a place to enjoy the quiet. Take a moment (or more if you can!) to truly slow down and be still. Be still before your God and watch what He can do. 

Fellowship Church

As I left for work this morning I noticed the neighbors across the street still had an icy walkway. Mine has melted nicely. My house gets more sunlight. Although a small thing, I was thankful.

Today my heat works. Although it works pretty consistently, I am thankful.

It’s near March and we haven’t really gotten beat up with snow yet. (I know, I shouldn’t say anything!) So thankful.

For so many years I have heard great men and women encourage people to be grateful, to journal all your blessings and to appreciate the small things. It’s fascinating all we take for granted (especially here in America!).

I read this great quote from Charles Spurgeon, a preacher from back in the 1800’s. He said, “It is not how much we have but how much we enjoy that makes happiness.” So true. I enjoy not chopping ice on my driveway. I enjoy sitting in my heated house. I enjoy no snow.

I believe the awareness of all we have shapes us much better than seeing all we don’t have. If you feed your child ice cream every day for a month and neglect to give them any after, you’ll hear it from them. If you never gave your child ice cream (I am not suggesting this, just making point), they will never complain about not having it. When we get all we want, we want more. There’s a lot to be said about ‘too much too soon’.

I remember the first time Vicki and I stayed at a nicer hotel…..it’s now hard to go back to the less nicer ones. I wouldn’t have missed it if I never had it. But I did, and I don’t know how I will ever spend a night at the “Dew Drop Inn” ever again.

God has promised to supply all our needs. What we don’t have we don’t need now.” Elizabeth Elliot, Christian Author and Speaker

It feels as though our needs and wants have been confused as of late. I remember when iPhones, cable television, video games and coffee makers were wants……doesn’t feel like that today.

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Perspective starts with you. Be grateful today.

Rich Pancoast
Life is a Journey, Not a Destination

GUEST BLOGGER: Trevor Charles

“Life is a journey, not a destination…” This is a well known quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson that many are familiar with. It’s about living in the moment, not getting caught up with what you have yet to achieve, but enjoying the experience.  However, I think this aptly can be applied to our spiritual life as well. The journey is as important as the destination. When it comes to spiritual growth, one might argue that there is no final destination, at least not in this life!

Not long ago, Rich (Connections Pastor at Fellowship Church) wrote about how when it comes to spiritual knowledge, we all have more to learn.  None of us have reached the “destination”. I have always considered myself to be “spiritual.” I grew up in the Catholic Church, was confirmed, taught catechism school for 3 years to elementary kids, and was an altar server.  I initially thought it was important to know all the stories, know all the prayers, and know all the routines as a means of demonstrating my religious prowess. As I got older, despite having my list “checked off”, I still questioned what I believed.  I knew that I believed there was something more out there, but entering middle school and high school, I was also trying to check off the lists in science and history class; Darwin’s Theory, archeology’s revelations of human development, carbon dating, Big Bang Theory, cro magnon ancestry, and more.  As a young man, all the way through college, I was inundated with the pressure to prove my opinions with evidence, research, expert citations, and evaluate my sources. In fact, as a high school history teacher now, it is still one of the critical skills my department is tasked with ingraining each student with before graduation.  However, while going through my adolescence, at the same time I felt the need to research my spiritual life as well. I thought I could do this by seeking out other religions. I spent a couple years with Jehovah’s Witnesses, then attended Lutheran services, after that I popped into Unitarian services, buddhist temples, a synagogue, and even went to a few Mormon services.  By the time I went off to college, I had come to the conclusion that I was spiritual, but didn’t buy into any mainline religion. Each time I got involved with one, I would research the religion, find perceived faults, and move on to the next option.

Two years ago, my family moved back to the south side of Middletown and we were invited to come to Fellowship.  I initially was as interested in the family babysitting services as much as I was looking to renew my faith. However, the friendliness, the devotion, and over abundance of seemingly happy people peaked my interest again.  I have to admit, that despite the fact that I had been taking my family to catholic services for the past 5 years, it was because I wanted them to learn about religion and be spiritual, much like I had. Although, initially a bit uncomfortable at first, I was quickly disarmed by the powerful, positive, and relevant message of the weekly service, and the church community.  So, back to my research routine I went.

Perhaps it was Bible based messages, perhaps it was the growth groups, and perhaps its the fact that I’m 15 years older… but I realized I had made a grave error in how I was looking at the spiritual journey.  In my past, I was looking for the “evidence” for religion in the dogma, routines, and history; yet for a majority of the time had ignored perhaps the most obvious piece available: The Bible. I started reading the Bible, writing down quotes, and asking questions, much like I do for a textbook or article I’m trying to learn and analyze.  When I came up with questions, I asked church leaders and family members what their thoughts were. I read multiple books on the evidence for historical accuracy regarding Jesus, much like I would George Washington or Julius Caesar. The more I read, the more I analyzed, the more I questioned, the more I believed.

Coming from and working in the world of academia, we constantly regard religions as something that is faith based, whereas science and history are something that has to be proven empirically and researched.  This creates a dichotomy that implies faith isn’t researched or inherently not fact based. But when put to the same tests, held by the same standards, and analyzed to the same lengths, I have been hard pressed to find any document that passes with more flying colors than the New Testament, especially when given its antiquity.  

To circle back to Emerson, my journey has never been more rewarding than it is right now.  I’m currently working on my second read through of the Bible, and without surprise find so much more to connect with the more I read.  My challenge to those exploring faith is to read, and do the research without making assumptions, the same you would any article or book in question.  When you start equitably applying the benchmarks of credibility, bias, and content (the 3 pillars we teach for evaluating a source), I have found it incredibly rewarding to know my faith built on the buttress of high historical standards and research, not a “leap” or presumptions.  

Fellowship Church
Game Changer

I have been pretty excited lately in seeing all that God has been doing inside of our church. A month ago we challenged FCer’s to read the Bible in one year. 172 people took on the challenge! This will change every one of their lives forever. It has certainly changed mine. Scheduling time with God each day is a ‘game changer’. What you’re scheduling each day in your life communicates to others what’s most important. Exercise, hobbies, Netflix binge watching, video games, prayer, reading the Bible or a devotional, getting together with other believers in a group? No matter what it is, it tells others a lot about you.

As of late, I have had this thirst to be extremely authentic in my faith….the real deal. I’m not there yet, but I’m trying! As I claim to be a Christian, I want to live it out. The ‘proof is in the pudding’…..what does that even mean?!? Just thought it fit there.

If I want to be all that Jesus has for me, I better spend time with Him. The same can be said if I want to be an astronaut, I’d probably want to be spending time at NASA. To be what we wish to be takes being in the right places. My faith has grown immensely by being in church on Sundays, having quiet time daily with God and even attending groups throughout the week. Being with other like-minded people who are trying to grow in their faith as well has really helped my journey. It also has given me a bunch of close friends who I can go to for encouragement.

Our FC Groups are starting next week. These are usually an hour long and meet once a week for 10 weeks. These groups really change the week! Check them out here. Many of us leave Sundays at church and enter toxic environments at work. It’s great to get another serving of sanity and love on a weekday. I highly recommend these groups. The leaders are incredible people that love Jesus and love people. They also love the church and understand the importance of making disciples.

It’s your decision. It’s been said that we are ridiculously in control of so much more than we think. We can decide today to be a ‘game changer’, a ‘difference maker’ and most importantly, a true Jesus follower. It’s your move.

Rich Pancoast