Where's the Line?

Most of us have a moral compass of sorts, or at least I hope so. What’s ‘crossing the line’ with you may not be ‘crossing the line’ for others. I have found that the more I had ‘crossed the line’ in my life, the less I saw it anymore. 

What is this line? Well, to me it’s a decision you make that deep down, you know better. It’s the movie that you watched where you felt rotten afterwards. It’s the flirty comment you made to a co-worker even though you’re married. It’s talking about your friend to another friend and acting as though it’s not gossip. It’s telling your boss you’ll “work” from home as you catch up on laundry, mowing the lawn and to-do lists instead. We all have a ‘line’ and most of us at some point have crossed it. 

Although as Romans 3:23 says,everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard’, I do believe there is hope. I’ve learned along the way as I pursued God more and more and studied His Word (the Bible) that there are many ways to combat this. I’ve learned that in order to avoid crossing these ‘lines’, we need to set some boundariesor as Andy Stanley, a Pastor down in Atlanta called it, a guardrail. Yes, a guardrail is damaging to a vehicle but it keeps the vehicle from worse or even catastrophic consequences. 

Here are some examples of boundaries or guardrails:

  • One who has a tendency to drink too much should not be in an atmosphere where they specialize in serving drinks (a bar or liquor store)
  • One who has a tendency to look at inappropriate images (a porn problem) should never have access to a computer behind closed doors. A computer in the most occupied room works. There are also programs like Covenant Eyes that can help here. 
  • One who tends to talk about others (gossip) should have a close friend in their life who calls them out on this and helps them along.

All of these guardrails or boundaries work best with an accountability partner. One who you can talk openly to and one who will pray for you consistently. James 5:15 says “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.”Some of us who follow Christ see Him as an ‘invisible god’ who we feel is not really paying attention to our failures or lapses in judgment. This is why it is so beneficial to have an an actual accountability personin our life that will check on us and ask the tougher questions. 

Here’s the thing, all of this is not easy. Paul, who wrote most of the New Testament, who was absolutely sold out for Christ, and who knew more than most struggled with sin. Paul says in Romans 7:18-21And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can’t.  I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway.  But if I do what I don’t want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it. I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong.” 

We are all born into sin. If you have any children, you see this right from the start. “Mine, mine…!” We didn’t teach them that…they were born with that. Our job is to help them get away from that! That is what scripture is all about. There is this wonderful Book, The Bible, that is full of practical ways of living a life more fulfilling, more relational, more purposeful, and more loving. This book has changed my life. I know who I once was and I know what Christ has done to me through His Word and I’m so thankful. Yes, I have a lot to work on but as I lean into Him daily, He’s lessening the load.

I encourage you all today to draw the line. Become aware of that line. Commit to not crossing it, and I promise you, it will change your life.   

Rich Pancoast
Believing Without Seeing


Everyone believes in something. Even atheists have to have a belief in their disbelief of religion. Many religions are guidelines to how you need to act or think or even worship in this world. Christianity is the belief that we are loved no matter how hard we fall and have been cleansed of our past and future sins because God sent Jesus who had to die on the cross. "This is real love-not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins"(1 John 4:10). That verse can overwhelm the mind thinking about how much we as Christians are loved no matter what we think of ourselves. 

     Unfortunately we are surrounded by a 'see it to believe it' mentality by others as soon as we enter this world. Even the apostles were subject to these thoughts. Thomas, known as the twin, was very loyal to Jesus while in his company. When Jesus was setting out to resurrect Lazarus in Judea a few of the other apostles complained about almost being stoned the last time they were there but Thomas replied "Let's go too-and die with Jesus" (John 11:16). Thomas was ready to die for the cause he believed in at that time. Thomas was always a little worried about the future and would question Jesus about following him when he left even after Jesus would repeatedly ask to trust him. "We have no idea where you are going, so how can we know the way?"(John 14:5). Not to long after though Jesus would be crucified, resurrected, and then seen by his followers without Thomas being present and his disbelief gave him the nickname Doubting Thomas.  

     On the evening of the resurrection Jesus appeared to the disciples. However, Thomas was not present at the time. Even though Jesus foretold the event and Thomas was present for many miracles he refused to believe. Thomas stated "I won't believe it unless I see the nail wounds in his hands, put my fingers into them, and place my hand into the wound in his side"(John 20:25). Thomas would not even accept a visit from Jesus as genuine unless he looked and touched the result of the crucifixion on the body. For his doubts and unbelief Jesus waited eight days to let worry and wonder fill Thomas's heart. When the time was right Jesus appeared, showed him the wounds, and told Thomas "You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me"(John 20:29). Jesus never had to show himself to Thomas, but he did to prove the everlasting love God has for all his children no matter how much doubt they have. It has been reported that Thomas did keep his faith and traveled to India where he had success preaching the Good News but was also martyred there for his faith.  

     Today we have the choice to believe without seeing. We can put on the armor of God towards the world. We can live in joy knowing that whatever happens if we follow Jesus there is a better life ahead. Faith is the base of things we hope for, the product of the things yet to be seen. The world will say you need to see it to believe it but God's word reminds us if you believe it you can see it come to pass. We need to look through the eyes of faith not just what is right in front of us.Instead of thinking I can not believe a miracle is here unless I see it or touch it,  if you believe in the miracle first then you will see it. That is the evidence that you are in faith. 



Fellowship Church
Flip Flops

Sunday I shared a message about the importance of serving called, Flip Flops.  My desire was to convey that we as followers of Jesus were saved to serve.  That in order to live and love like Jesus, we need to engage in serving. 

I’m so thrilled at the response of so many at Fellowship who decided to take a step in service!  I know that your lives will be different because you did.

One of the the mindsets we battle most when it comes to stepping into service is our own feeling of inadequacy.  Can I really make a difference?  After all, we deeply know our weaknesses and shortcomings better than anyone.  We can see others who appear more talented and outgoing stepping up, but maybe not ourselves.  

What if God wants to shape your significance through your service? I want to encourage you to trust God to step into service here at Fellowship.  God knows and understands your potential more than you do.  He loves you and believes in you and has placed you in this local church for a reason.  

So if you don’t trust yourself, trust God and see where He can take you. How He wants to write your story, and uncover gifts and talents you never knew you had.  

You can do this!  Check out the opportunities we have HERE and join the team today! We also have many opportunities to serve at our LAST BLAST. You can click HERE to sign up that. 



Andy Eiss
The Journey is Not About You

Every single one of us are on a journey. Some are on the 'fast-track' while others are 'pacing themselves'. 

What I’ve learned along the way is that I really am the ‘pace car’. I control the speed of my own journey, not anyone else. In my effort to grow closer to God throughout the years I’ve seen my pace change too often

But here’s what I learned along the way that changed me:

  • What I put in I get out (reap what you sow) If I want to grow closer with God, I need to spend time with Him. In any relationship (marriage, friendship, dating), in order to get closer, you have to spend time with them. James 4:8 says, “Come close to God, and God will come close to you.” Spending time with God comes in different forms. We pray to Him. We read His Word (the Bible). We spend time with other believers either on Sundays at church or a small group or coffee with a friend. Whatever it is that you do, it’s all important. 


  • Church can only do so much– If our connection to God is only on Sundays, we may be in trouble. When we put that type of pressure on a church or a pastor to be the only “God” we’re getting weekly, we will fail miserably. The staff of the church hope that we are inspiring you to follow Him on your own as well. We are praying that you are scheduling your time with Him daily. Don’t just ‘fit Him in” when you can. I've never just found extra time at the end of the day. Put your daily time with God on your calendar. If you need to, set an alarm to go off to remind you. Get an accountability partner to push you to read scripture with them. Do a plan on YouVersion.com with a friend. Pray each night with your spouse or family. Make Him part of your routine. 


  • Get involved– God has created you to be a doerJames 2:17 says, “So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless. He has created in you a divine potential. Too many of us are a bit too comfortable. But being uncomfortable leads to growth. Every time I have to lead a group, speak on a Sunday, meet with someone I don’t know that well, or learn some new system, I’m completely uncomfortable. But when it’s over, I’m different. God teaches you most in these uncomfortable moments. 

How’s your journey going? Are you moving up and to the right, or are you ‘flat lining’? What will it take for you to truly get closer to God?

It'll take you. It starts with YOU. As we’ve said so often here at FC, you are ridiculously more in control of your life than you think. Today, decide to allow God to shape your journey by spending time with Him.



Rich Pancoast
Changing Priorities


Most people realize addiction comes in many forms such as overindulgence in alcohol or drugs, gambling, or porn. However, addiction can also come from activities that start out as a hobby. Things that at first are something to take your mind off the busyness of this world. A routine pastime that builds and consumes not just your time but your thoughts. Some examples are an obsession with your job, sports, binge watching, or social media. Chances are you may have had an addiction and did not even notice it unless stated by a loved one or close friend. Past and present relationships can be damaged by taking the "me" time to satisfy our addictions.  

There are many different help groups for many different addictions but as children of Christ we know our strength is not just our own. We need to put God first right in front of our steps and walk the straight path. We need to find scripture powerful to our current state so that we can "be still" (Psalm 46:10), know that "the Lord is my strength" (Exodus 15:12), and understand "anything is possible if a person believes" (Mark 9:23). 

Anyone who has seen me around the church in a t-shirt will notice me by my pjs, what i refer to as my pre-Jesus tattoos. I have gone through many addictions to fill holes in my life mentally and spiritually. They have never worked and I have driven away many relationships to continue those actions. Recently I gave up and put my life into God and from that feel like I am for the first time starting to succeed. I am not motivated to get worldly tasks done in such a manner that I forget about others and now delight in spending time in discussions with chance encounters I was never open to before. I am at peace and accomplish so much more while taking the focus off myself. Instead I try to spread joy to those in my life.

My priority each day is moving closer to the word through reading scriptures. I wake each morning with a prayer of thanksgiving and to focus my mind and heart in the direction Jesus would go. I get ready and take a morning walk while only using my phone to read devotionals and scripture from a bible app. I use Youversion and welcome anyone to create an account, become friends, and create a plan to share in the discussion. My radio is set to K-LOVE and at work I stream pastor podcasts. I try to devote time to reading published works that will bring me closer to knowing more about God each day. I am much more into serving others and helping in ways that I am capable. 

My prayer through this short blog is that the Holy Spirit will stir inside you pushing you to follow the Word more closely. I pray you break the addictions that are consuming your life. I pray for you all because I love you all but Jesus loves you even more. Please if you know anyone who is struggling reach out to them lovingly as a true friend. "a triple-braided cord is not easily broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Find your strength in Christ and he will be that third sturdy braid. Thank you for taking a few moments to read these words.

Fellowship Church
I'm Inspired

We all need to be inspired. 

One of the reasons I love my job so much is that I get inspired all the time from the people of this church. I have countless examples of people doing things that truly encourage and motivate me. They also strengthen my faith. Based on the fact that the people I speak of are not mentioned by name is because honestly they’d probably feel very uncomfortable. (They’re not very comfortable with praise.) That may be another reason why I love them so much and are inspired by them. So here is a list that is never ending. The stories keep coming.

I’m inspired by:

  1. The lady from our church that despite dealing with agoraphobia (fear of leaving their house) for more than 2 years decided to step out, come to church, then go public and be baptized. The baptism, in turn, inspired2 others to do the same!
  2. A young lady here who despite countless health issues, where the pain and fatigue is unbearable, sings beautifully on Sundays preparing the hearts of those attending to hear from God.  She inspiresso many of us, never complaining and always praying.
  3. The couple that despite the difficult season they are in, asks others to pray for them and their marriage. Their transparency and clear effort to get better is inspiring. You can’t fix fake! 
  4. A lady that gives countless hours to the teens at our Living Proof environment and the children of Vacation Bible Camp. She knows every teen by name. She knows what they’re all going through. She listens to them and they absolutely love her. #Teenwhisperer. She tirelessly sets up for VBC with her team. She’ll often say she didn’t go 'all out' but when we see it each year, we wonder what ‘all out’ could possibly mean with her. It’s always next level and all of us look at it inspired!
  5. The couple who serve in every environment and always wonder why everyone wouldn’t want to do this. They see their growth in Christ moving each time they (like Christ) serve. 
  6. The lady who who first brought her daughters to the ‘LP Mess Fest’ last year and actually returned! She now brings them every week. 2 weeks ago she went from a daughter’s dance practice to church to the other daughter’s soccer practice! She still fit church in. She gets it. That is inspiring! 

Here’s the thing. I have so many more. 

I can go on and on. I actually left out my wife, my mother-in-law and our staff. They have inspired me all along. I am beyond blessed to be inspired daily by the people I get to do life with.

Who are you inspired by? Who are you inspiring? People are watching!  



Rich Pancoast
Warrior Conference 2018 HOPE not HYPE

Some of the greatest men I know

Most of us will not forget this year's Warrior Conference. I'm still on cloud nine thinking of all that God did over the weekend. Our biggest prayer each year is for men to grow closer to Christ and to have better relationships with others. I truly believe this was accomplished. In fact, one of the highlights of the weekend was spotting five FC men huddled together praying. Five men, by the way, who didn't even know each other the day before. It was in this moment where I knew God was steering the ship. 

Our favorite spot

I am chosen, not forsaken. I am who You say I am

The teaching was great. The biggest thing I took from the weekend was that Warriors ask for help. We’re all in some level of rehab.  We cannot do it alone. We had 30 plus men in a room after one of the sessions pouring out their heart with a commitment to be better, to fully surrender, and to do life with fellows warriors. 

Pre-hike, hence the smiles

We continued our annual hike tradition (one might call it more of a trek) where many of us pushed through the soreness and fatigue. At some of the peaks, we would have a push up and a one-arm push up contests (to feed our egos). It is a men's conference. We also continued our 'fight club' but that's really all I can say about that. 

What happens at Warrior Conference stays at Warrior Conference

Men - If you have never attended a Warrior Conference, mark your calendars for next year (May 30th-June 1st) You will be glad you did. 

Rich Pancoast
Life Lessons

I had a tough month recently. I was super busy, anxious and a bit stressed. Many people close to me were dealing with health issues including my wife who was in the process of donating her kidney. I only see that now in retrospect. Thinking back on it now, I think I could have handled the month a bit better.  The super busy months that make us anxious, are always inevitable. It will help to be better prepared for them. 


Being in ministry is like nothing I ever imagined. The highs and lows can be daily. In one moment, a good friend of yours in getting married while in another, someone is diagnosed with cancer. People get new jobs, while others are losing their job. A child gets accepted to a great college, while another child drops out of school. Someone starts attending church every week, someone disappears. The highs and lows, they are never ending. 


Over the years in ministry, and thinking back on this month of craziness that I just had, I have learned some valuable lessons.  Here two things that can help you handle the ups and downs that come your way:

    Late in the month that I was stressed, I happened to be meeting with a couple of great guys during the week and I learned something very valuable. I NEEDED THEM. These meet ups weren't strategically planned but God worked it out. I needed the encouragement, love and genuine friendship they were showing me in that moment. It changed my perspective as I left each one of them. I felt better and better. Meeting with these friends during this crazy week taught me how much I need refreshment. That's what I received from them. 
    If you're like me, the negative can sometimes drown out the positive. The unanswered prayers can be more memorable than the answered ones. The cynicism can defeat the optimism. What I've learned from this personality trait of mine was perspective. As I really look at all that is going on, I learned to hold more tightly to the incredible amount of blessings, answered prayers and WINS in my life. Each week I get to be a part of life change in other's lives. I get to witness people accepting Jesus Christ into their lives and being forever different. I see a crowd of people making an effort each Sunday to 'do better'. I see 'up and to the right' in action each week. I see people coming into the church and leaving better. That's something to hold on to. That's something to celebrate! That's something to never forget. 

So I ask you 2 questions: 

  1. Do you have people around you that encourage and inspire you? Are there people who you meet with and you leave different? Better mood, better demeanor and better altogether? 
  2. Do you see all that is good in this world, or are you holding on to all of the bad? Is your cup full or are you wondering if there even is a cup? Are you seeing all God has done or are you wondering if He is actually paying attention? Is your life full of prayer requests or praises? (I'm breathing this morning...praise God!)

Our life has everything to do with who we are hanging out with and our perspective. Grab hold of some really good friends who, when you meet with them, you always leave better. Grab hold of a perspective of gratitude. Praise God for the easily overlooked things like living in America, good health, and your family and even the small things like "Thank you Lord that I woke up this morning." 

Rich Pancoast